Choosing Between Demo and Live Forex Accounts in Singapore

Before engaging in forex trading a new entrant has to make some choices among which is whether to engage in demo trading or live trading. Both types of accounts are important for the Singapore traders because each of them has its strengths and weaknesses. If you want to start trading on MT4, it is important that you know the basics of demo and live accounts so that you would know which one is right for your trading career.

A demo account is also best suitable for beginners who take time to learn how the various trading platforms work. It enables you to trade with simulated money with which you can practice without practically gaining or losing actual cash. Demo accounts are perfect for those that just started to trade forex in Singapore, to get a general overview of what this market is about, how one trades, and how to navigate through the trading platform which is offered by your chosen Singapore forex brokers. Demo trading also comes with no risks since you are essentially given virtual capital with a chance to use it to trial strategies and tools.


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Similarly to getting the emotions involved in trading, a demo account gives you a good feel of the environment. However, the absence of real money in a demo account should not lead traders to treat it differently from a live account. It is sad to confess that having demo accounts, traders are less disciplined or they hardly apply all the rules of risk management. This can ultimately result in some bad practices that when taken to live trading may not yield the expected results. Since your demo account is a practice account enforced with certain rules, it will assist in molding your good trading habits.

In contrast, the live account means that the trader is using real money which in itself triggers a new set of psychological problems. You need to transition from a demo account to a live account which means that you are trading with real money. This can generate emotions such as fear, greed, and anxiety that disrupts decision making. Every trader also needs to control these emotions while trading and stick to the set plan as the case is with Singapore traders. A forex broker in Singapore can involve himself or herself in helping assist the trader and supply him or her with the necessary materials in dealing with the emotional feelings that one is likely to come across one time he or she starts trading.

Experience is one of the most significant and valuable benefits of trade with a live account. While, demo trading can explain to the trader how to trade to you on the forex trading platform, live trading will explain to the trader the behavior of the market and how best to trade it. The price changes in the course of the day differ significantly and one needs to respond to this dynamic, which is only possible when working with real trades. The experience gained by your live trades, whether real money maker or real money loser, enables you to be in a vantage point for future profits.

For most traders the initial step is to open a demo account and move to a live trading account once proficiency is gained. This makes you prepared to advance to the more rigorous conditions of live trading. A great Forex broker makes this transition as easy as possible by providing a demo account and a live account that has features that are almost as one and the same. Although it is mostly advisable to keep with small lots when starting out in trading, the trader can later make larger lots as he moves up the trading ladder.

In conclusion, it is always challenging to provide a clear distinction between demo and live forex accounts in Singapore because it is homogeneous to the trader’s experience level, and actual needs or goals. Whether there is a need for the new trader to commence with the demo account or launch the actual account, having the cooperation with the reliable and reputable forex broker in Singapore will be the big advantage since they would help with all the necessary tools, materials, explanations, and other assistance necessary to be effective in the forex sphere.

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Marie is Tech blogger. She contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechPopular.
